Monday, December 5, 2011

Judy Moody "I ATE A SHARK" Tiger Pants

We have hit the age of Judy Moody in our house.. My 6 year old loves reading chapter books and Judy and Stink have provided her with some entertaining adventures. If you are not familiar with Judy Moody, she is an adventuresome girl who likes to explore and discover. Her brother James, aka Stink, also has his own set of book adventures we have enjoyed.

Q. What is with the pants???
A. Judy was in a hurry for her first day of school because she woke up late and ended up tossing on the first shirt she grabbed and ended up going to school in her tiger pajama pants.

This is another reason my daughter likes Judy, she doesn't fuss about her clothes or her hair, she knows that those things just don't matter. Finally a girl character who doesn't play with Princesses or Barbies and ends up with some pretty cool and creative ideas.

Judy also has a shirt she made herself that says "I ATE A SHARK!" She had wished for an awesome summer and was bummed out to go shark fishing and not catch a single shark, so they went to a restaurant to eat and she tried shark. The shirt was her genius way to show her friends that she had done at least SOMETHING cool over an otherwise uneventful summer vacation. 

We just watched the movie Judy Moody and the not so Bummer Summer a couple weeks ago after reading a couple Judy Moody and Stink books. A few days later my daughter randomly mentioned how cool it would be to have a shirt that says. "I ate a Shark!"

So I called up my sister-in-law who has been doing a bit of freezer paper stenciling lately and put in our order for an "I ATE A SHARK" shirt for a Christmas present from her.
I even provided her with a shirt.
We went with neon green like the doll, In the movie her shirt is turquoise, but my daughter's favorite color happens to be green.
Plus they had the right color at the dollar store.

Aunt Lara used the freezer paper stencil method to make it into the I ate a shark shirt. You just cut out your stencil from freezer paper, Iron it onto the shirt, so it sticks. Then use your fabric paint over the stencil. Once it is dry you peel off the freezer paper and you have a nice screen print look.

So onto the pants. I found some tiger print polar fleece and used a pair of my daughter's pants for a pattern.
Then I cut around her pants, two pieces for the front, two pieces for the back allowing myself a half inch or so seam allowance. Then I sewed the pieces together with a double hem for strength, made a tunnel for the elastic waste and turned the bottoms up and sewed them so they matched the length of her other pants I used for the pattern.

This is the front.

This is the back of the pants.

She was in need of some warm polar fleece type pants for those extra cold days this winter. I figured why not make them Judy Moody Pants!

Here she is with her "Way, Not Boring, List of Fun Things To Do" She made herself.
She wears this outfit to school all the time.
It is one of her favorites!


  1. Cool!! Thats going to be costume!!

  2. uber cool. I need that!!!!!

  3. My daughter is around that age as well and her school is having book character day and she wants to be Judy Moody. I think I'm going to try and make her an "I ate a shark" costume as well!!!

  4. My daughter is being Judy Moody for book character day and made the shirt by herself:)
