Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kids Watering Cans from Plastic Bottles

Super simple!!

 Take an empty plastic bottle. We like the juice bottles the best.
Poke holes in lid..
 you can do this a number of ways.

- use a hammer and nail.
- use a power screwdriver with a small bit.
- or stab it with something poky. This way is the fastest. Today I gabbed a letter opener and started jabbing away. Be careful not to jab yourself though.

Fill it with water.

Put on the cap.

Turn upside down... and squeeze!!!

Just enough comes out when you squeeze so it is less likely that the kids will over water anything including themselves. This is our third year of plastic bottle watering cans.

(by the way if you are wondring what is going on here with the green can... read here)

We water our plants with water from our little wadding pool. It has not been warm enough to swim yet, but our little pool has a nice collection of rain water that we have been using to fill our watering cans. Plants like this water better anyway.

The kids love them because they are fun to squeeze.
The plants love them because they are not drowning from large watering cans with large flow.
Kids stay remarkably dry!

linking up here:
A Crafty Soiree

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I may use this for summer reading. Thanks for posting!
