"You are so creative!" I have heard that phrase constantly since I was little. DIY, Refashioning, Crafting, Sewing, Woodworking. I love it all! Now I have a place to keep my favorite projects or ideas organized and share them with you!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thank You Tree (Thanksgiving)

Help keep track of all your family is thankful for
during the month of November with a
Thank You Tree.
Step 1:
Find a nice branch to use for your tree.

Step 2:
Decorate an empty oatmeal container and fill with rocks to hold your stick in place. We also cut an X our lid to help hold our stick upright.

Step 3:
Ask your local paint store if you can have some of their leaf shaped paint samples for a project like we did,  or just make your own leaves out of paper. 
Have your family decide together, or take turns deciding on one thing you are thankful for each day in November (dinnertime is a great time to discuss this). There are no wrong answers.  Write that thing on a leaf and hang it on the tree. By the time Thanksgiving comes your tree will be full of leaves! 


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